Homecoming Straps

Eye holes, breather holes and head ventilation will be cut as standard. Eye frames are cast in resin with magnets attached.  The lenses are a plastic outer with mesh inner.  Note: The plastic will fog.  These frames can also be purchased without the plastic and will be fog free.  Please email me if you'd like different.


I can sew your above purchase if you would prefer.  I use an overlocking sewing machine. 

Measure the distance from the bottom of the chest webbing to the web line under the neck hole.  Spiders can be added to your order.  The set for the Red / Blue Suit or the Black suit.. 

Faceshell with Raimi style Resin Magnetic  Frames

Sewing a Fabric Hood.



Note: If you would like your  phone number on the customs declaration for your order please complete the form below and put your number in the message section. 

Here's the collection of spidey gear I offer.  Everything is made to order and takes on average 1 week after payment.  If you have any other requests please use the email link at the bottom of this page.

Please ensure the postal address on your paypal account is the correct shipping address.  

Please note :  Purchasing my items does not give you permission to re-cast them and sell copies.

Eye holes, breather holes and head ventilation will be cut as standard. Magnets will not be fitted unless requested below.  Blank Shells will best fit your eye frames order.  Please email me if you'd like different.

Eye holes, breather holes and head ventilation will be cut as standard. Eye frames are cast in resin with three magnets attached.  The lenses are a perforated plastic outer with mesh inner.   These frames and lenses are fog free.  

Disclaimer: I am not affiliated with MARVEL OR SONY PICTURES or any other organization of any kind, I am  simply offering a website with images of  home made costumes and in no way claim to be Spider-Man or any other super hero or Villain.  Wearing one of my costumes will not magically give you super powers.  You might actually feel a little under dressed if you haven't worn lycra before.  I DO NOT operate any machinery or drive a vehicle if wearing a mask as vision is impaired.    Copyright 2019 .    Spidey4fun.    All rights reserved.

Urethane Spider Symbols

Straps to fit Homecoming suits or straps spider combo..  Made from a flexible Urethane.

Urethane Webbing

Hero Suits

Fabric Hood Kits / Hood Webs

Urethane eye frames with mesh lenses. 

Suit Orders

PIctures of the completed ASM2 hood and webbing on my ASM2 faceshell with frames.

Hood kits available above.



Faceshell with ASM2  style Resin Magnetic  Frames

Most frames are cast in a flexible Urethane.  This style has no magnets and is generally glued directly to the hood.  Hood not included. 

Below is some pictures of my webbing and spiders.  This suit was made by Hechima 

If you'd like multiple items please send me an email and I'll combine postage costs.